Monday, June 3, 2013

Almost 10,000 views!

Hey guys,

I can't believe that it's actually happening, but my blog is about to surpass 10,000 views! This is pretty amazing, considering the fact that I haven't been on the scene for very long at all. Like many other blogs, I would like to do something special for you guys--I would like to do a giveaway! It will be limited only to those who are following me--if your friend wants a crack at the giveaway, they will have to follow this blog first!

Now, I'd like to ask for all of your opinions first. What should I give away?
  • A stock blaster?
  • A modded blaster?
  • A blaster attachment (like a slide breech)?
  • Pictures of myself posing with just a blaster covering my junk?
I am leaning towards a small modded blaster, but please leave your comments below to help me make this decision.

Thanks for sticking with me!

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